Dates back to the 1st half of the 14th, 19th and 20th century. Medieval building of the hospital chapel of the Holy Spirit. A stone and brick building, laid out on an east-west axis, located within the development of Bohaterów Warszawy Street. It originally belonged to a hospital fraternity caring for bedridden townsfolk. In the modern period it was adapted for secular functions, including salt storage. Converted into flats in the 19th century and in the 1st half of the 20th century also into offices. In the post-war period, renovations and adaptations were carried out for museum purposes, including exhibitions, administration and storage. It is now home to the Myślibórz Lake District Museum. In architectural terms, it is a cuboidal building, covered by a gabled roof with windows. The front elevation is a five-axis structure with ogival window recesses, with a representative entrance in the central axis. The architectural detailing also includes circular crenellations and a ceramic frieze. On the east elevation, the crenellations are preserved, including the presbytery windows. Due to its special architectural and spatial values, the building was entered in the register of monuments.