Not much is known about the management of the forests in the current Dębno Forest Inspectorate in the pre-war period. The forests in this area were state property and owned by private landowners.
Based on field observations made in 1950, it can be concluded that the forests were mostly managed by clear cutting and renewed artificially by planting.
After the Second World War, the forests of the forest inspectorate were in very poor condition as a result of the warfare. A lot of effort was devoted to repairing the damage caused by these activities, and the fruits of the labour of the foresters of that time can be admired today in the form of beautiful tree stands.
After World War II, the forests of the present Dębno Forest Inspectorate were administered by two forest inspectorates: Dębno Forest Inspectorate established in 1945 on the basis of the former German Cychry (Zicher) Forest Inspectorate, and Namyślin Forest Inspectorate established in 1946.
Within its current boundaries, the Forest Inspectorate has been operating since 1 January 2013.