
Projekt Polsko- Niemieckie Transgraniczne Centrum Dziedzictwa Naturalnego i Kulturowego Regionu Doliny Środkowej Odry dofinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego

The German-Polish Cross-Border Centre for Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Middle Oder Valley

Offices and institutions


  • Address: ul. Adama Mickiewicza 43, 74-400 Dębno

The German-Polish Cross-Border Centre for Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Middle Oder Valley in Dębno and Liepe was set up to promote the tourist, cultural, architectural, natural and landscape assets on the Polish and German side. The place aims to bring together cultural animators, craftspeople, producers of regional products and to build a network so that they can share their skills and exchange experiences. It will also be the venue of workshops and meetings to promote the Middle Oder Valley Region. The centre will help develop the knowledge of local residents and tourists about our region’s heritage. Here we want to showcase art created by people for people.

On the German side, the same activities will be carried out at the centre in Liepe.

Neo-Renaissance villa built in 1896 by cloth manufacturer Fritz Hildebrandt. The adjacent factory buildings changed ownership several times and remain a symbol of the city’s industrial development. In 2022, it underwent a major refurbishment as part of the project entitled “German-Polish Cross-border Natural and Cultural Heritage Centre of the Central Oder Valley Region” as part of the Interreg Va programme Priority axis I: Nature and culture. The new facility will be tasked with broad promotion of the region’s natural and cultural heritage.


FMP and PNWM training
FMP and PNWM training
Oct 28, 2024, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM


App Dębno naturalnie

Interesting places, routes, current events. A map with the exact routes of the trips. You won't get lost on the trail with us!


Projekt Polsko- Niemieckie Transgraniczne Centrum Dziedzictwa Naturalnego i Kulturowego Regionu Doliny Środkowej Odry dofinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego